An endodontist is a dentist with special training in diagnosing and treating problems associated with the inside of the tooth. They do only endodontic procedures in their practices because they are specialists. To become specialists, they complete dental school and an additional two or more years of advanced training in endodontics, one of the nine specialties recognized by the American Dental Association. They perform routine as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, including retreatment of previous root canals that have not healed completely, as well as endodontic surgery. Endodontists are also experienced at finding the cause of oral and facial pain that has been difficult to diagnose.
In order to preserve a tooth in which any of these has occurred, it is necessary to remove the diseased or dead pulp tissue and to fill and seal the root canal system. This procedure is known as endodontic therapy. The only other treatment option is extraction. Since endodontic therapy is concerned with removing only the pulp from the root canal, the root will continue to function normally, because the nourishing and supporting tissues remain intact. It is advisable to remove the injured or dead tissue because it may become infected or act as an irritant to the tissues surrounding the tooth.
Texas Dental Clinic offers the highest standards of infection control advocated by the American Dental Association. We utilize the latest barrier techniques and autoclave sterilization to eliminate any risk of cross-contamination. Our priority is to provide stateof-the-art endodontic care while maintaining a strict operating protocol.